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Municipal Service Review (LAFCO)

Calaveras local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is required to prepare a Municipal Service Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (SOI) by the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (Government Code §56000, et seq.), which took effect on January 1, 2001. The MSR reviews services provided by a special district whose boundaries and governance are subject to LAFCo. Saddle Creek Community Services District, which provides road maintenance, storm drain, street lighting, landscaping, wildlife and wetland preservation, security gate operations, and mosquito abatement services, is the focus of this review. In order to provide comprehensive information on service provision, other service providers are mentioned in this MSR.  The draft MSR can be uploaded below:

Draft 2018 MSR and SOI

LAFCo regulates, through approval, denial, conditions and modification, boundary changes proposed by public agencies or individuals. It also regulates the extension of public services by cities and special districts outside their boundaries. LAFCo is empowered to initiate updates to the SOIs and proposals involving the dissolution or consolidation of special districts, mergers, establishment of subsidiary districts, and any reorganization including such actions. Otherwise, LAFCo actions must originate as petitions or resolutions from affected voters, landowners, cities or districts.
Calaveras LAFCo consists of seven regular members: two members from the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors, two city council members, two special district members, and one public member who is appointed by the other members of the Commission. There is an alternate in each category. All Commissioners are appointed to four-year terms.

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