Measure A – Road Improvement and Operations Special Tax
Approved by the Voters and Building Projects in 2018
On December 20, 2016, the Copper Valley CSD Board of Directors adopted a Resolution that placed Measure A on the ballot for the May 2, 2017 election; which was ultimately approved by the voters. The full text of the Board’s Resolution can be downloaded below by clicking on the following: Special Tax Resolution.
The Measure A tax revenue must only be spent on the specific items listed below:
(1) Pavement condition improvement and maintenance of all District roadways,
(2) Maintenance and improvement of those storm drain facilities dedicated to and accepted by the District or otherwise owned by the District,
(3) Operations and maintenance of District-owned lighting for streets and pathways,
(4) Operating the District-owned privacy gates located at the entrances to Saddle Creek,
(5) Operating the communication system to maintain contact with the internal and external public safety personnel,
(6) Monitoring, controlling and registering guests that are invitees of District customers and other visitors within the District,
(7) Weed and Mosquito Abatement,
(8) Landscape maintenance of ponds, wetland areas and related features and appurtenances,
(9) Maintenance and replacement of landscaping along and within the roads owned by the District,
(10) Ordinary maintenance of park facilities,
(11) Purchase, repair, replacement and maintenance of the vehicles, tools and equipment to support District services,
(12) Administrative services, including but not limited to staffing, consultants, legal fees and insurance
Additional Information and Materials Related to Measure A: